
Our Favorite Gadgets Add Ease and Creativity to Cooking
In our recent Virtual Healthy Eating Adventure, our coaches shared some of their favorite gadgets. Let me note that you don’t have to...

Easy Split Pea Curry and Variations – Cook Once to Make 5 Different Meals.
Split peas are a great source of fiber (16 g/cup), protein (16g/cup), iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, thiamine, folate….. and more, and...

From Mirepoix to French Onion Soup, Hearty Tomato Sauce, Mixed Bean Chili and Asian Stir Fry!!
For our Virtual HEA graduation, in just over an hour Chef Nick demonstrated how to start with Mirepoix to make these 4 different...

Chopping Vegetables and Seasoning Suggestions with Chef Nick – learn all the different cuts and uses
Peasant Cut We had a wonderful time on our Virtual HEA. Lots of discussions on the science and the “how to’s” of whole foods, plant...

Pineapple & Kohlrabi Say ‘StirFry’ (with Tips on No-Oil Stir fry)
Let Your Food Tell you What to Make Pineapple is a delicious snack or dessert, but when I see it in the refrig along side lovely eggplant...

Hearty Tomato – Bean Sauce with Portabellos is Delicious on a Variety of Pastas
Have you discovered nutritious pastas made from legumes? Enjoy this quick and easy tomato/ mushroom sauce over a legume based pasta. Most...

Veggie Tofu Wrap Variations with Great Marinade Ideas
Our guest blogger, Adrienne Herr Paul, has “always” loved tofu. She shares great ideas for using it in wraps and ideas for ingredient...

Learn to Make Simple Soups with this Tomato, Corn, Potato Recipe with Variations and Seasoning Ideas
Once you get the hang of this basic soup recipe, you can create your own variations using “what’s on hand.” And here’s some ideas on...

Harvest Soup – A great way to freeze your produce for winter meals.
It’s fun to create a harvest soup inspired by your garden. Make plenty and freeze it for handy, delicious meals this Winter. We are...

Deliciously Stuffed Squash, Zucchini and Peppers
Winter squash are colorful and abundant this time of year. Zucchini and Peppers are plentiful. Each can be stuffed to make a delicious...

Enjoy Egg Plant with Fresh Seasoning. Kids Can Cook Roasted Veggies!
Kids Can Cook! 9 year old Kalea enjoys cooking. During this video she also discovers she enjoys preparing and eating eggplant. This...

Easy Tofu Preparation
Here’s an easy way to prepare tofu! You can use tofu in just about anything – from stir fries to soup , mix with roasted veggies or to...

Chard Wraps (and Freeze the Extra Chard) and Nori Wraps
Chard Wraps And Nori Wraps for Potluck Chard in the Garden Nutrition Dense Chard Want another use for those huge chard leaves? This...

Want to pack a healthy lunch?
Packing a healthy lunch can be easy (and even relaxing!) Packing a healthy lunch is a mindful way to start the day. This morning packing...

It’s A Wrap!
Enjoy these wrap demonstrations - collard wraps, rice paper, Nori wraps! Our 3rd potluck in our Adventures often concludes with turning...

It’s Easy to Include Kale
Not so, “Ugh, kale” I always encourage my patients to include dark greens everyday. They invariably make a face and snarl “ugh, kale”....

A meal from scratch in 29 min? Yes! Spicy Potatoes and Beans
Sooooo Easy, Sooooo Tasty! A meal from scratch in 29 minutes? Yes, including pan washed!! And a delicious salad with almonds, fennel and...

Veggie Stock Made Affordable and Simply; Cooking Without Oil
By Ingrid Ashley Cooking without Oil is Easy to Do, and Clean-up is Even Easier! Have you ever thought, “how on earth do I keep food from...

Turnips Add Zip to Roasted Veggies
Inspiration – Here’s some suggestions for cooking roasted veggies, including what veggies to choose, how to get them to be done all the...