
Boost Your Energy! Boost Your Nitric Oxide! Breathe, Hum, Chew!
Athletes use beet juice to enhance stamina and improve recovery time. There’s good scientific research on how this works by increasing...

How does Whole Food Plant Based eating prevent and treat inflammation – why is that so important?
Is all inflammation bad? Plant based eating is key to staying healthy, in general, and during the Covid 19 pandemic. Our White Blood...

Treating Hypertension with a Whole Foods Plant Based Lifestyle. Take Care of Your Endothelium!
Recently a participant noted, “My blood pressure came down some since switching to all plants, but I’m still on several medications....

The Fascinating Science Behind Whole Foods Plant Based Eating
60% of chronic disease is preventable with a healthy lifestyle! How does a Whole Foods Plant Based (WFPB) lifestyle prevent and reverse...

Calming Your Gas & The Importance of Beans
Often, as folks switch to a plant based diet, “gas” becomes an issue, and a frequent topic for discussion at our Healthy Eating Adventure...

Your Endothelium is Important to You – Read How to Take Care of It, and Why No Oils!
Your arteries are vital to health since they supply blood, nutrients, oxygen to all the organ systems. For years there has been concern...

Maintaining a Healthful Microbiome
The Feeding and Care of your Microbiome – How do we insure that the 13 trillion cells that make up the human body, live harmoniously with...

What does Whole Food Plant Based Mean?
What is Whole Food? Did you know that unassuming celery has anti – cancer properties along with anti-hypertensive? What got me thinking...

Olympic Powered with Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle!
Protein Power from Nature For years athletes have been discovering the benefits of a whole foods plant-based lifestyle. Eating this way...

Eat Well, Sleep Well
It seems that with every new HEA Adventure, participants sharing their new experiences will mention sleeping better and having more...