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Dining Out with HEA – It was a wonderful evening at Rik’s Cafe – Watch for the Next Dine out soon and Monthly Potlucks


Dining out with HEA and Monthly potlucks between Adventures is a wonderful opportunity to get together and catch up.  We all love the community of the Adventure Potlucks! Dining Out with HEA gives us a chance to enjoy that community some more.  Also, this is an opportunity for restaurants to learn about HEA and whole food plant based/no oil preparation..   It adds to our list of options to choose for dining out on other occasions.


Delicious and creative dining at Rik’s Cafe

Our November Dining Out with HEA:  

Rik’s Cafe – 1065 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown

– he loves to create! And there are always

several plant based options.

Ask for the 3-2-1 dressing!

What a delight for HEA folks to get together for an

evening cooked by someone else! Folks were from

various past adventures, and we all  had fun catching

with each other


Roasted Winter Root Quinoa Salad

                                              The meals we enjoyed at Rik’s definitely confirm their                                                      website description: “Rik’s Cafe is a contemporary                                                            American restaurant. Our menu features classic                                                                sandwiches, hardy soups and crisp fun salads, as well as                                                  innovative small plates and entrees.”

                                              “We believe in using locally sourced products when                                                          possible on an evolving, fresh, made to order menu. This                                                ensures that every guest will receive the highest quality      dining experience in a warm, casual environment, served by the greatest staff on earth.” Rik  created several salad s(including my favorite Beet and Blueberry Salad) with 3-2-1 dressing,  and entree options including a rice bowl with portabella and a wonderful spicy burger.  It was a delicious evening.








  HEA Dining out at Ric’s – Clockwise – Sandy B., Bill & Carolyn, Janet, Tanny, Mike, Karen, Liz & Mike, Liz, Cathleen

Previous HEA Dinner Club Evenings:


Deliciously Healthy Black Bean Brownie with Cocoa Mousse topping and whipped Aqua Faba


                                                 Bistro 71 at 71 N Main St – Sept 24th was                                                             delicious fun Chef Jacob Vorhees is super with                                                     flavors and creative with combinations.

                                                        The evening was full of flavor and variety, with a                                                                starter of “Spicy Grilled Brussel Sprouts”.  (Do you                                                            remember the first HEA moment when you                                                                        discovered how delicious Brussel sprouts are? ).





Elegant Entree – Farro Stuffed Pepper, Mixed Vegetable Quinoa







A colorfully tasty salad followed, and then an elegantly presented entree medley

– featuring a creative Vegetable Quinoa Risotto and Farro Stuffed Bell Peppers with Vegan Mozzarella.  And all this was followed by a deliciously healthy dessert of black bean brownies with a topping of Aquafaba Whipped Cream!  


Learn about making Aqua Faba 


And of course all this is seasoned with conversation and laughter of being together to share this beautifully prepared food, catch up with each other, meet new folks — all this with no dishes to do!!



Thank you also to Manager Sara Newman and Owner Scott Vorhees for helping create this fabulous HEA evening out.


B St 104

Chef Jeremy Jones created Fabulous Selections at B St 104 in Greencastle

The evening had a special HEA menu –

including chef’s creative dishes  Polenta

Tart with roasted vegetable Ragout,

Masam Curry Noodle Bowl, Italian

Tomato Ragout.

There are always options when dining

out at B ST.  The salads can be prepared

WFBP, there’s a very nice Farro Bowl,

and you can always ask for a “Dr. Liz”

special.  And, often there is live music.





                                                                                                              A Special Menu just for HEA!





Falafel Shack

Chef Amer at Falafel Shack in Chambersburg offered a fabulous HEA Menu

Chef Amer created a selection of  Mid Eastern dishes – The Butternut Squash Soup, Baba Ganoush and seasonal fruit were each uniquely and deliciously flavored.  He also demo’d a simple flat bread..


Located on the square Falafel Shack

is a colorful, enjoyable, relaxing

atmosphere for lunch.














A fabulous variety of color, flavor, spices and dishes!

Fruit with Fresh Mint and Spices










                                                                                              Spicy Hummus and Veggies


An Adventure is a community-based 28-day program that can kick-start you on a lifetime of healthier eating with a whole foods, plant based lifestyle.

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