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Tips About Avocados and Avocado Spread

By Coach BJ

We love avocados…here are a few tips which, hopefully, help you select and preserve left overs.

How to tell if an avocado is ripe:

If you gently squeeze the avocado, the skin should give just a little. Another method is to remove the brown stem and check the color underneath:  If the color is yellow it is not yet ripe – if it is GREEN it is ripe and ready to eat – but if it is brown it is over ripe. The one pictured below is just right!

Just right avocado
Just right avocado

How to tell if an avocado is ripe:

If you gently squeeze the avocado, the skin should give just a little. Another method is to remove the brown stem and check the color underneath:  If the color is yellow it is not yet ripe – if it is GREEN it is ripe and ready to eat – but if it is brown it is over ripe. The one pictured below is just right!

Avocado spread covered with water
Avocado spread covered with water

In this example, I’m making a simple avocado spread. First I would cut the avocado in half lengthwise, discard the pit, scoop the fruit out of the skin with a spoon, place in a small bowl, add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice over the avocado, then mash with a fork.

If I only use some of the spread I’ll want to reserve the rest…here’s what to do:

(1) Place the avocado spread in a container (one which can be tightly sealed)

(2) Level the spread

(3) Gently pour water over the spread; be sure to cover all of the spread with about 1/2 inch of water to seal it from air exposure

(4) Tightly close the container lid

(5) Place in refrigerator

The next day, open the container, pour off the water, stir the avocado spread and there you have it, fresh looking! I tried keeping the spread for two days and it was fine, however I didn’t want to push my luck. If you have had similar results or other tips for keeping avocado spread left overs fresh, we welcome your comments. Below is the result…FRESH AVOCADO, no brown!

Fresh looking avocado
Fresh looking avocado spread

Yummy avocado spread!
Yummy avocado spread!

Now go eat that YUMMY avocado spread the second day!!



An Adventure is a community-based 28-day program that can kick-start you on a lifetime of healthier eating with a whole foods, plant based lifestyle.

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