Protein Power from Nature
For years athletes have been discovering the benefits of a whole foods plant-based lifestyle. Eating this way helps you fuel for and recover from intense activity.
Busting the myth that this eating lifestyle will not support endurance or muscle growth, in the attached blog Olympic athletes, explained all the benefits of whole foods plant based eating.

Wonderful proteins from plant-based sources contribute to muscle power without adding saturated fat that causes arterial inflammation. Fruits and veggies contain a huge variety of antioxidants that balance your free radicals in the energy cycle and support cell renewal. Their vitamins and phytochemicals play key enzymatic roles in numerous molecular processes. (Oh boy, flash back to biochemistry class!!) Along with legumes and whole grains they are high in key electrolytes like potassium, magnesium and calcium and many others. Eating whole foods plant-based helps you avoid the inflammatory molecules presented by processed foods, meat, dairy. And your gut bacteria thrive on this way of eating – they are a key defense in your gut health and immune system and there is volumes of research studying your micro biomes importance!! Watch these Olympic athletes discuss the powerful benefits of whole foods/plant-based eating! Enjoy your healthy eating adventure benefits — feel the energy!!