Stir frying makes a great “go to, no planning” meal. And No Oil means easy clean up.
I created this combination because I wanted to do something with cashews and marinated tofu; broccoli is usually on hand, and this week I had zucchini also.
Ingredients: 12 oz of raw cashews 1/2 of a large head of broccoli, cut bite size
16 oz firm tofu. One medium zucchini 3/8 inch slices
If you plan to serve your stir fry over brown rice, the first step is to get that cooking following package instructions, it will be done by the time your stir fry is done!
Marinate the Tofu and Zucchini
Marinade Ingredients:
1/2 cup low sodium Soy Sauce
1-2 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
1/4 – 1/2 Tsp Ground Ginger
1/4 – 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Pure Maple Syrup
Whisk ingredients together in a flat bottom bowl.

Drain liquid off your tofu then press between paper towels, or dish towel or tofu press to remove extra liquid.

Drain a 16 oz pack of firm Tofu, slice to 1″, press the moisture out of each slice and promptly cut it into cubes and place in marinade (this lets the pressed tofu act like a sponge soaking up the marinade)
Zucchini – 3/8 ” slices – add to marinade
Marinade for 20 minutes.
Tofu InToasterOven

It’s easy to do a double batch of tofu and marinade some whole slices, bake them at 350 – 20- 30 minutes and refrigerate or freeze to use as a “burger” or cut into cubes for another stir fry or yummy in a salad.

While your tofu is marinading, get out your salad ingredients and prep. I love this salad combination dressed with Balsamic Vinaigrette (or 3:2:1 dressing) (for this dressing recipe scroll down in the blog on keeping your endothelium healthy)
The rooty looking thing is a Jerusalem Artichoke -sliced thinly it adds a nutritious zingy flavor, can also be added to boiled/mashed potatoes or used in stir fry (like water chestnut!)
Start Your Stir Fry (have your rubber spatula ready)

Put your nonstick pan (this one is a ceramic pan) on the stove on medium high. Once it is hot, toss on your marinaded tofu and zucchini and a small amount of additional marinade.
Toss and turn gently ingredients and continuously with a rubber spatula, and as it starts to really sizzle, turn it down to medium. When you start to see browning on the pan add some vegetable stock (2 tablespoons is plenty) or water and just keep tossing and turning. Then add the broccoli and cashews and keep gently stirring until heated through. If you’ve kept stirring and adding a small amount of liquid before things stick, you’ll find just warm water and sponge (and mild soap) will wipe the pan clean. The blog on keeping your endothelium healthy, explains why it’s more healthful to cook without oil. In addition, the veggie texture is wonderful, and they pop with flavor and color, instead of being soggy and tasting a lot like oil.
Serve your cashew stir fry over the rice and enjoy with your salad; the ingredients in the salad (especially with the orange) are delicious with this stir fry.
Just a reminder: Keeping a “well stocked pantry” makes shopping and cooking so much easier. Shop just weekly for fresh items, and refill your pantry; then enjoy cooking with whichever foods inspire you at the moment.