Inspiration – Here’s some suggestions for cooking roasted veggies, including what veggies to choose, how to get them to be done all the same time and even adding Turnips for extra zip! Once you’ve done one set of roasted veggies, you’ll be mixing and matching your own variations.

Tonight I was inspired by the turnips from the CSA box. (Also easy to find in the produce section)

Veggies from the pantry and freezer.
What’s in your Pantry?
Ingredients: To go with the *turnips, I gathered “pantry” veggies from freezer, refridge, cupboard that my gestalt tells me will go well together – *mushrooms, *red onion, *carrots, *frozen broccoli (easy to lightly blanch and freeze), *whole frozen tomatoes, and a gift of *Great Northern Beans. *Chard for the top. By “pantry” I mean things that I pretty much keep on hand. Read about A Well Stocked Pantry.

Add the veggies which need longer to cook first for time efficiency.
Directions: Put the frozen veggies in first.
I put the tomatoes and broccoli in first – frozen fresh from farmers stands last summer; with the oven at 350* they can get started while I chop the others.

Meanwhile, prep your other veggies.
Potatoes are slower cooking, so you might want to cut them a little smaller – 1″ size — try different sizes and see how soft or firm you like them when done. By now the tomatoes are thawed enough to quarter easily, and broccoli is thawed. With the colorful carrots and red onions these made beautiful medley to go with the turnips!! Interestingly, healthy foods are also beautiful; my cooking is often guided by “what will look pretty?” and I end up with flavors that combine deliciously. And choosing foods from all the colors of the rainbow, insures you get an array of nutrients and vitamins!

Laying out your seasonings prior to beginning makes for quick and easy adding during cooking!
For seasoning, tonight I went with oregano leaves, parsley flakes (earlier in the summer I would have cut those both fresh from the garden), dill weed, coriander and pepper.

Add your prepped veggies to the pan, mixing with the thawed veggies. Add the seasoning.
Roast on 375 for 30 minutes. Check veggies and add more time if they haven't started to soften
The turnip leaves looked lovely, but a little tangy when I tasted. I’m sure there’s something that can be done with them as part of a salad or soup; I’m sure googling will reveal a delicious idea!!
Add the beans and greens over top.
Add your choice of legume. (I used home-canned Northern Beans), and break up some chard leaves over it. Roast for 15 more minutes and the result is yet another delicious nutritious “one pot” meal with plenty left to take for lunch!
After a savory dinner, easy answer for “What’s for lunch?!”

Tomorrow’s lunch is last night’s dinner with a easy salad and sliced apple.
Ingredients for Roasted Veggies – once you’ve done one set of roasted veggies, you’ll be mixing and matching your own variations. (See Directions Above)
Turnips (Parsnips would also be tasty)
Tomatoes, Broccoli
Mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, red onion
Season with oregano leaves, parsley flakes, dill weed
Northern Beans (or your choice)
Roast veggies at 375 for 30 minutes (add more time if the potatoes haven't started to soften); then top with beans and chard, and cook 15-20 minutes longer.